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Welcome to The Asian Muse, my very own passion project filled with unique and engaging content. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps The Asian Muse will ignite your own passions as well.

About Me
Hello, My Name is Neha Gupta, born in Lucknow, India, resident of Bangalore, India and a Software Engineer by profession. Since childhood, I have a dream to travel the globe and capture random clicks as that makes me feel that I am able to capture time & memories (the only constant that never change).
Apart from that I love to dance, play tunes on my Ukulele, pencil sketch and spend most of my free time learning new skills that makes me feel happy. Basically, I am just a girl trying to find a place in this world.
For years, I have served as a useful source to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our world. I founded The Asian Muse with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and I have been at it ever since.
Take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together.